Clinical Psychology Doctorates are normally split into two main domains: lectures/seminars/teaching at university and placement. Different universities will dedicate different amounts of time to each, but you will be either at university learning about different psychological models or on placements in different services. For me, I spend 2 days a week in placement and three days a week at university. However, I am in the first part of my first year, and soon I will be in placement three times a week and university twice weekly.
Do not worry though, you will not get thrown straight into placement. You could get up to a months’ worth of teaching beforehand with plenty of opportunity to speak to tutors and supervisor to prepare. Speaking about placements, each university is different. You might get two each year, both 5 months long. Placements are based at different services. They may be mental health services, health care, care homes, neuro-assessment units, etc. I will make a different post to speak about each service clinical psychologists work in.
As for lectures, each university will do things differently. They may have key modules that lectures fit into. These modules will differ and cover things such as 'research skills' and 'psychological models' to give some examples. Now, these are all online due to COVID restrictions. However, most of them are ace. I love working with clients, but I also love learning in lectures.
The final thing I'll mention is a doctorate wouldn't be a doctorate without a thesis. During the three years, as well as completing exams and course work, you will be expected to complete a piece of research from start to finish. Again, since it is such a big subject, I'll make another post about this.
Hope this brief blog cleared some of the structure of a clinical psychology doctorate. Please leave any comments for what was useful and what you would like to see more of.
Affirmation: The road may seem long ahead, but you have got this. Keep working hard and most importantly, make time to rest.